What Is A Terrarium?
So first up, what is a terrarium? This might seem like a simple enough question, but the better you understand the answer, th...
I am a climbing orchid and one of the main sources for vanilla flavouring. I have long trailing vines with narrow leaves that finish in a point. Va...
You can tell I'm a Rosepicta because I have little lines coming out from the centre of my leaves. My leaves are purple underside, while on top, pal...
I am one of 21 members of the Chinese Evergreen family. We are all tough, good looking and the perfect combo of striking foliage and low maintenanc...
I am an unusual plant with zigzagging branches and tiny leaves that sprout even more tiny leaves. My delicate looks make me a minimalist's dream!
My common name is misleading - I am in no way related to a rose, but am actually a succulent. You may also hear me referred to as Mock Azalea and S...
I am a lesser seen member of the Peperomia genus. I sport fine, neatly-traced leaves on long hanging stems.
Useful to know:
I am from Per...
I'm famous for my shy sensibility. If you run your fingers along my leaves, they'll clam up, bashfully. To look after me well, keep me in a warm, h...
I am an evergreen flowering perennial plant and i'm pretty hardy! I produce a tubular, orange flowers once a year if i flower.
Useful to know:
I have thick waxy looking round shaped leaves and white star-like flowers.
Useful to know:
I am native to southern and central America.
I am a beautiful succulent with leaves that resemble dolphins jumping out of the water, hence my common name. I am also sometimes called Dolphin Ne...
My giant, bright green arrow-shaped leaves are the largest known un-split leaves in the world, reaching up to 2m in width in the wild!
Useful to k...
I am an unusual Syngonium variety with leaves that start light green and develop into a deep, glossy green as they mature.
Useful to know:
I am a relatively new variety of Devil's Ivy and my closest cousin is the variegated version, Marble Queen.
Useful to know:
A greenhouse!...
I am a super easy-going, fuss-free plant with glossy leaves that transform any space into a tropical paradise.
Useful to know:
I come fro...
My name means 'beautiful lily' in Latin but I'm actually a Tradescantia, making me a fast grower and easy to care for. I also get beautiful white b...
A member of the Spider Plant family, I am easy to care for and grow, but much more dramatic than my (slightly drab) cousins!
Useful to know:
I am prized for my almost luminous leaf pattern - my smooth dark green leaves are dappled with bright green splotches that look like they're glowin...
I am one of 21 members of the Chinese Evergreen genus. We are all tough, good looking and the perfect combo of striking foliage and low maintenance...
I am actually a succulent and not a cactus and have a myriad of common names - Milk Bush, Firestick Plant, Indian Tree Spurge and even Naked Lady!
I am a new-ish cultivar, tougher and less of a diva than my Ficus cousins, I won't drop my leaves easily! My slender leaves make me a stylish addit...
I have dark green oval shaped leaves, intricately decorated with fine white lines. When in bloom, I produce highly prized white flowers.
Useful t...
I have compact and broad, mid-green foliage, with a muted red, spiky rosette shaped flower.
Useful to know:
I'm a rare find in the wild, ...
I have attractive, dark green foliage, with white veins when young. These will fade a little as I age but by that point I'll be so impressively bus...
I am a shrub-like succulent with zig zag stems and fleshy, softly variegated leaves.
Useful to know:
I am from Central and South America....
I am a small-batch, patented Chinese Evergreen. If you see an Aglaonema at indoor plant shops, I'll probably be my more-common geen and yellow cous...
My star quality is the long-lasting pink flower I produce, which contrasts nicely with my surrounding grey-green marbled foliage. In the wild, I na...
I have tall, narrow pitchers which attract insects with my bright colours and inviting scents, only to snap them up later!
Useful to know:
I am a miniature member of the Peperomia family with delicate leaves that resemble the shell of a turtle, hence my common name. My delicately patte...
I have the same elongated-heart-shaped leaves as other Pothos but I can be easily told apart by my electric yellow leaves.
Useful to know:
Like my famous namesake, I will keep you mesmerised and contemplative. My flowers are surrounded by dark green leaves, as though coming out of a da...
I have long, flowing locks that promise to trail down bookcases and hang from ceilings. I may also produce little white flowers, seasonally.
I'm thought to be an unusual beauty. With my soft green leaves and a patterned trunk, I'll add a bit of quirkiness and structure to your home.
The loud, swirly patterns on my leaves are what gives me my common name. My leaves are soft too, so trace my spiralling colours with your finger wh...
I have leaves that resemble dinosaur skin, hence my name. I'm pretty special too - if you ever see me available, snap me up!
Useful to know: