What Is A Terrarium?
So first up, what is a terrarium? This might seem like a simple enough question, but the better you understand the answer, th...
I am a climbing orchid and one of the main sources for vanilla flavouring. I have long trailing vines with narrow leaves that finish in a point. Va...
You can tell I'm a Rosepicta because I have little lines coming out from the centre of my leaves. My leaves are purple underside, while on top, pal...
I am one of 21 members of the Chinese Evergreen family. We are all tough, good looking and the perfect combo of striking foliage and low maintenanc...
I am an unusual plant with zigzagging branches and tiny leaves that sprout even more tiny leaves. My delicate looks make me a minimalist's dream!
My common name is misleading - I am in no way related to a rose, but am actually a succulent. You may also hear me referred to as Mock Azalea and S...
I am a lesser seen member of the Peperomia genus. I sport fine, neatly-traced leaves on long hanging stems.
Useful to know:
I am from Per...
I'm famous for my shy sensibility. If you run your fingers along my leaves, they'll clam up, bashfully. To look after me well, keep me in a warm, h...
I am an evergreen flowering perennial plant and i'm pretty hardy! I produce a tubular, orange flowers once a year if i flower.
Useful to know:
I have thick waxy looking round shaped leaves and white star-like flowers.
Useful to know:
I am native to southern and central America.
I am a beautiful succulent with leaves that resemble dolphins jumping out of the water, hence my common name. I am also sometimes called Dolphin Ne...
My giant, bright green arrow-shaped leaves are the largest known un-split leaves in the world, reaching up to 2m in width in the wild!
Useful to k...
I am an unusual Syngonium variety with leaves that start light green and develop into a deep, glossy green as they mature.
Useful to know:
I am a relatively new variety of Devil's Ivy and my closest cousin is the variegated version, Marble Queen.
Useful to know:
A greenhouse!...
I am a super easy-going, fuss-free plant with glossy leaves that transform any space into a tropical paradise.
Useful to know:
I come fro...
My name means 'beautiful lily' in Latin but I'm actually a Tradescantia, making me a fast grower and easy to care for. I also get beautiful white b...
A member of the Spider Plant family, I am easy to care for and grow, but much more dramatic than my (slightly drab) cousins!
Useful to know:
I am prized for my almost luminous leaf pattern - my smooth dark green leaves are dappled with bright green splotches that look like they're glowin...
I am one of 21 members of the Chinese Evergreen genus. We are all tough, good looking and the perfect combo of striking foliage and low maintenance...
I am actually a succulent and not a cactus and have a myriad of common names - Milk Bush, Firestick Plant, Indian Tree Spurge and even Naked Lady!
I am a new-ish cultivar, tougher and less of a diva than my Ficus cousins, I won't drop my leaves easily! My slender leaves make me a stylish addit...
I have dark green oval shaped leaves, intricately decorated with fine white lines. When in bloom, I produce highly prized white flowers.
Useful t...
I have compact and broad, mid-green foliage, with a muted red, spiky rosette shaped flower.
Useful to know:
I'm a rare find in the wild, ...
I have attractive, dark green foliage, with white veins when young. These will fade a little as I age but by that point I'll be so impressively bus...
I am a shrub-like succulent with zig zag stems and fleshy, softly variegated leaves.
Useful to know:
I am from Central and South America....
I am a small-batch, patented Chinese Evergreen. If you see an Aglaonema at indoor plant shops, I'll probably be my more-common geen and yellow cous...
My star quality is the long-lasting pink flower I produce, which contrasts nicely with my surrounding grey-green marbled foliage. In the wild, I na...
I have tall, narrow pitchers which attract insects with my bright colours and inviting scents, only to snap them up later!
Useful to know:
I am a miniature member of the Peperomia family with delicate leaves that resemble the shell of a turtle, hence my common name. My delicately patte...
I have the same elongated-heart-shaped leaves as other Pothos but I can be easily told apart by my electric yellow leaves.
Useful to know:
Like my famous namesake, I will keep you mesmerised and contemplative. My flowers are surrounded by dark green leaves, as though coming out of a da...
I have long, flowing locks that promise to trail down bookcases and hang from ceilings. I may also produce little white flowers, seasonally.
I'm thought to be an unusual beauty. With my soft green leaves and a patterned trunk, I'll add a bit of quirkiness and structure to your home.
I have leaves that resemble dinosaur skin, hence my name. I'm pretty special too - if you ever see me available, snap me up!
Useful to know: