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Philodendron Melanochrysum
Philodendron Melanochrysum

A hard-to-find extraordinary plant with velvet-like texture
Having a Philodendron Melanochrysum is like having a precious jewel, as they are quite rare and grow slowly.
The Philodendron Melanochrysum, also known as the black gold Philodendron, is a gorgeous hard-to-find plant that will enhance your urban jungle with its uniqueness and extraordinary beauty.
Its leaves are long and heart shaped, with regal dark greens and an almost velvet-like texture, which make the Philodendron Melanochrysum a particularly beautiful houseplant.
This amazing plant can grow up to 1.50 metres tall with a sprawling stem and big leaves. The bright yellow and dark green colour combination really catches the eye no matter what room it lives in.
- Air Purifying! Its giant dark green velvet leaves make it one of the best oxygenating plants
- Catches dust and bacteria from the air
- A very rare plant to find
- This statement plant will enhance any space with its incredible uniqueness
- It can grow up to 1.5 m. tall indoors!
Philodendron Melanochrysum Care Guide
The Philodendron Melanochrysum thrives in similar conditions that it has in the tropics of South America, with bright and indirect light. The leaves can burn easily so avoid long, intense light exposures
Water when the first 5 cm of soil are dry. Water this plant thoroughly until some water starts to drain out of the drainage holes at the bottom of the pot
They are fine with regular indoor temperatures
Philodendron Melanochrysum loves nutrient-rich soil. Using a balanced liquid fertilizer is the way to go when thinking of feeding this plant
If leaves are browning or yellow you can remove them. If the plant is struggling to grow you can also prune some medium leaves. Groom as you see fit towards the base of the root
Many Philodendron Melanochrysum like to grow with plant support poles as the leaves are much heavier than the stem at the start. The plant support poles replicate the presence of a tree in the tropics
Philodendron Melanochrysum General Information
First discovered in South America and began cultivating outside the continent in 1886

Price Match Guarantee:
If you find the same plant at another online shop for a better price, we will match it.**Exempt are online garden centers and DIY markets and sales offers.

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On orders over £85.