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Dumb Cane Compacta
Dieffenbachia Compacta
The tiny version of tropical Dieffenbachia variety and the same vibrant colours to brighten up your day!
Bright, large and glossy leaves with yellow specks characterize dumb canes and make them different from any other plant.
This time, a lovely version named 'Compacta' Dieffenbachia will add a touch of life to any space in your home or office!
They are easy to care, superb natural Air Purifiers and Perfect Size to fit anywhere from a small table, to your desk, your bathroom, or a corner in your living room.
- Dieffenbacha´s long leaves transform carbon dioxide into fresh oxygen and eliminate impurities from the air
- Its patterned and bright-coloured leaves have been proven to improve our ability to focus. The reason to home the Dieffenbachia in your office!
- Named after Austrian gardener Joseph Dieffenbach, and It is believed that they were nicknamed ‘Dumb Cane’ because, if ingested, its sap could cause swelling of the tongue and temporary loss of speech. So make sure you don’t eat it!
- These natural purifiers help regulate humidity and filter the toxins that clog our pores, causing acne and skin irritation, making them very beneficial for your skin wellbeing
Dumb Cane Compacta Care Guide
I prefer bright, indirect light but can tolerate light shade. Lower light levels reduce the rate of growth and dull my leaves, but direct sunlight will scorch them.
When the top inches of my soil start to dry out, give me a drink, but don't overwater me.
My ideal temperature is between 18-24°C but I can cope with as low as 10°C for short periods. Keep me away from draughts.
I'm not too hungry, so will only want a weak dose of fertiliser during growing season.
Wipe my leaves with a damp cloth to remove accumulated dust.
If I'm growing too tall, or looking a bit unkempt, trim my stems with sharp shears.
Dumb Cane Compacta General Information
I come from Brazil.
I'm fairly fast growing and can reach between 1m and 1m 20.
I'm quite poisonous, so keep me away from kids and pets.

Price Match Guarantee:
If you find the same plant at another online shop for a better price, we will match it.**Exempt are online garden centers and DIY markets and sales offers.

Free Shipping
On orders over £85.